Sound Art at Tate ArchiveBased at Tate Britain, Tate Archive was founded in 1970. It holds the world’s largest collection of items relating to British art, from…Jan 28, 2019Jan 28, 2019
Alfred Barr: Design & Exhibition TechniquesBarr believed in an aesthetic based on the intrinsic traits of a work of art. It is by Sibil Kanton’s biography of Alfred Barr that we can…Jan 28, 2019Jan 28, 2019
“Do Artifacts Have Politics?” By Langdon Winner. A reflection.In this journal article published in 1980, Winner claims that that artifacts have political properties and embody forms of authority and…Jan 28, 20191Jan 28, 20191
The impossibility of quantifying micro-temporalityThey call it spinner, indeterminate progress bar, or sometimes activity indicator. But what exactly is the throbber? And what actions…Dec 5, 2017Dec 5, 2017
Digital Addiction and HyperconnectivityFurtherfield’s “Are We All Addicts Now?” explores networked lifeOct 25, 2017Oct 25, 2017
Ryoji Ikeda’s immersive installation Test Pattern [N°12] at The Store StudiosBell Street based Lisson Gallery, in partnership with independent arts group The Vinyl Factory, presents a major off-site multi-sensory…Oct 5, 2017Oct 5, 2017